Monday, February 9, 2009

MLB and Steroids

If anybody watched ESPN for more than 2 minutes today you probably already know that Alex Rodriguez has been found guilty for steroid use while in the MLB.  Further, he admitted to taking them from the 2001 season to the 2003 season when they were "legal"... This comment puzzled me since I don't believe steroids have been legal since I've been alive in the United States much less the MLB.  

The best part about this whole news story is that ESPN did a poll earlier today asking if people were disturbed by this news.  Most sports fans responded that they were extremely disturbed which indicates to me that they were surprised that arguably the best player in baseball was steroid free.  

How can someone be lead to believe that a man who has the physique of a Clydesdale Horse, the ability to run like a deer and can hit a baseball almost a quarter mile is not taking some kind of performance enhancing drug?  When I saw that this was late breaking news and observed peoples reactions in regards to the news I was in shock.  Of course I didn't jump to the conclusion that A-Rod was on steroids but I was in no was surprised.  I feel like baseball fans feel let down by this news when in reality he's just another super star who was cheating and in some ways a phony.

Personally I am not a huge baseball fan nor do I keep up with baseball but as a sports fan I think that players like A-Rod are a disgrace to the sport and should not only be banned from the sport but be erased from the record books.  I think the only way to fix the problem of steroid use in baseball is to show no reward for using such drugs.  These players are taking away from the true talent of the game and are making it look like anybody who wants to poke themselves with a needle can play the sport.  To me these are actions that can't go unpunished.

1 comment:

  1. I 100 % agree with the way you feel about steroids and how to banish future use of them in the future. I for one am not a “sport’s junkie.” I usually don’t know what’s going on in the game, who plays on what team, or who is the best team. However, I don’t believe that one should be rewarded for their talents and skills that an athlete requires from the use of drugs of any kind. How is it fair to the athletes who play by the rules and only have their true God-given talent to be placed in the same category as one who is getting ahead by cheating?

    I think that those who do use steroids were maybe at one time great athletes with only their natural talent that placed them as far as they have come, but then one day that great athlete woke up and became greedy. I know that young boys look up to pro athletes and mirror their every move hoping that one day, they too can be in the pro’s shoes. Why wouldn’t they? So when the “cool” athletes use drugs, what kind of message is that sending? Basically that drugs are ok as long as they help you perform better. It teaches kids everything a good parent goes against.

    I know that if I looked up and my respected hero was using drugs, all of my love and credibility for that hero has gone out the window. Heroes should be trustworthy, independent, honest and genuine. They are not afraid to just be themselves regardless if one doesn’t score as many points as they would have wished in a silly game. If I were a pro athlete, I would not be able to live with myself if I was cheater and set such bad examples for children as well as all ages. I would care more about the actual game of life.
