Friday, February 27, 2009

Race Gender Stereotype

2-22 9:30 pm
Dave Chappelle stand up
white people aren't scared of cops
Racial Stereotype

2-22 10:00 pm
Heineken beer commercial
walk in closet
Gender Stereotype

2-22 4:30 pm
American History X (movie)
nio nazi
racial stereotype

2-23 5 pm
Crash (movie)
a movie based on racial stereotypes
racial stereotype

2-23 10 pm
Summer Heights High (show)
called a red head a ranger referring to him as an (orangoutang)
racial stereotype

2-23 9:30 pm
OU vs. Kansas
women announcers always give half time interviews of games (because coaches are nicer to women)
gender stereotype

2-24 noon
radio - wild 104.9
If I were a Boy by Biance 
gender stereotype

2-24 3:00 pm
black entertainment network, a station dedicated to a single race
racial stereotype

2-24 5:30 pm
went to a Ted's 
every worker was hispanic 
racial stereotype

2-25 noon
movie- Beerfest
German's were the best drinkers
racial stereotype

When trying to notice stereotypes it was amazing to see how obvious these stereotypes are and how I have never noticed.  They are every where and on every media outlet.  There are movies and songs dedicated to gender stereotypes.  There are also movies that exploit racial issues.  It is so embedded in our society that it is almost a joke.  

I didn't really get to document a personal stereotype for this assignment but it was very interesting witnessing the fact that every employee at Ted's mexican restaurant was hispanic.  I also thought it was interesting taking a closer look at films such as Crash and American History X that focus on racial matters and differences.  These movies are extremely racially charged and really display how the American society is when regarding race.  During this assignment I also witnessed a racial stereotype that I had never heard of before.  When watching the HBO series Summer Heights High, a character referred to another character as a "ranger" because he had red hair.  

When observing gender stereotypes there were much more obvious occurrences.  For instance Beonce has a song called "If I were a Boy" which pretty much names every male stereotype anybody could think of.  I also observed the Heineken Beer commercial which was in my opinion hilarious.  This particular commercial involved women going crazy for a closet full of shoes and men going crazy over a closet full of beer which is extremely stereotypical.  

After completing this assignment I realized that these stereotypes are all within out comfort zones and are made by society.  Everybody has certain stereotypes in which they are used to and would be uncomfortable of things were different.  In my opinion I think that some stereotypes are harsh and others are for the most part harmless.  The Heineken commercial was harmless but on the other hand the stereotypes at seen in American History X and Crash are offensive to most.  

I have nothing more to say about this.


  1. What specifically about the movie Crash did you question? In which instance, portrayals or representations harmless?

  2. I thought it was interesting how you said "It is so embedded in our society that it is almost a joke," about stereotypes.

    I would say it is not almost a joke but they often ARE jokes. People continue the stereotypes they are exposed to every day through jokes or sarcastic comments.

    I do not think it would be appropriate to repeat any of them here, but many pop into my mind. I'm sure you can think of a couple you've heard as well.

    I think society's ability to joke about stereotypes just reinforces them more and shows how embedded they are in society. Not only are they flying under our media radar, as this assignment proved for many students, but they are an openly acknowledged, accepted and "humorous" part of society.

  3. Hi,

    I definitely agree with what you wrote about gender stereotypes being so obvious. I noticed that when I was doing the assignment too.

    When you wrote about stereotyping as a joke, it reminded me of the “dumb blonde” stereotype, which I am often stereotyped as. Yeah, it may be harmless, but do I like it? No, and lots of people really do think that pretty blondes are dumb. Sometimes I feel like I have to account for this stereotype. Like when I go to a job interview I try not to look like “just a pretty blonde that probably isn’t that smart.” This is always in the back of my mind. I have to prove that I’m smarter than I look.

